17 Eid Milad Un Nabi Mubarak Wishes and Messages

Are you looking for Eid Milad Un Nabi Mubarak wishes and messages? This is the place to be in the year 2025.

Important: It is not a mandatory part of Islam to celebrate this day. Prophet SAW or his sahabas (companions) never celebrated their birthdays. There are only two Eids in Islam according to Quran and Sunnah which are Eid Ul Adha and Eid Ul Fitr.

For those who don’t know, Eid Milad Un Nabi is an Islamic holiday that celebrates the birth of Prophet Muhammad.

It is also known as Mawlid or the Prophet’s Birthday.

The holiday is celebrated on the 12th day of Rabi’ al-awwal, the third month in the Islamic calendar.

Eid Milad Un Nabi is a special day for Muslims all over the world. They celebrate the day by exchanging gifts, attending special prayers and festivities.

Many Muslims also wear new clothes and put up lights and decorations in their homes to mark the occasion.

The holiday is a time to remember the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad. It is also a time for Muslims to come together and show their love and respect for him. Eid Milad Un Nabi is an important part of Islamic culture and is celebrated by Muslims of all ages.

That said, it makes sense to wish your loved ones Eid Milad Un Nabi Mubarak, reminding them of the teachings of our Holy Prophet P.B.U.H.

Note: You may also be interested in 12 Rabi ul Awwal Mubarak wishes and messages.

Best Eid Milad Un Nabi Mubarak Wishes and Messages:

Following are some of the best Eid Milad Un Nabi Mubarak wishes and messages you can use this 2025.

1. Oh Allah, guide me to follow the teachings of Holy Prophet Mohammad.

2. Oh Allah, help me to live my life in accordance with the teachings of Holy Prophet Mohammad.

3. Oh Allah, grant me the strength to follow the path of Holy Prophet Mohammad SAW.

4. Oh Allah, show me the right path, and help me to follow it.

5. Oh Allah, lead me to the path of those who have gone before me.

6. Oh Allah, help me to learn from the example of Holy Prophet Mohammad PBUH.

7. Oh Allah, guide me in my actions, and help me to do what is right. Eid Milad Un Nabi Mubarak to you and your family.

8. Oh Allah, grant me wisdom and understanding, so that I may follow the teachings of Holy Prophet Mohammad PBUH.

9. Oh Allah, give me the courage to stand up for what is right, and to follow the path of Holy Prophet Mohammad.

10. Oh Allah, help me to be a good Muslim, and to follow the teachings of Holy Prophet Mohammad PBUH.

11. Oh Allah, make me a better person, and help me to follow the teachings of Holy Prophet Mohammad SAW.

12. Oh Allah, help me to be patient, and to follow the teachings of Holy Prophet Mohammad.

13. Oh Allah, help me to be kind, and to follow the teachings of Holy Prophet Mohammad.

14. Oh Allah, help me to be truthful, and to follow the teachings of Holy Prophet Mohammad SAW.

15. Oh Allah, help me to be peaceful, and to follow the teachings of Holy Prophet Mohammad.

16. Oh Allah, help me to be humble, and to follow the teachings of Holy Prophet Mohammad PBUH.

17. Oh Allah, help me to be grateful, and to follow the teachings of Holy Prophet Mohammad SAW.

These are some of the top Eid Milad Un Nabi Mubarak wishes and messages to try.

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