19 Jamad al-Thani Mubarak Wishes or Messages for 2025

Jamad al-Thani Mubarak wishes or messages help you if want to remind your closest friends and family members about the month of Jamad al-Thani.

Jamad al-Thani also known as Jamad al-Akhirah is the sixth month of the Islamic calendar.

The name of the month is used to denote the dry parched land, a land devoid of the rain, and the dry months.

It bears great historic significance due to some of the major events that occurred during the month of Jamad al-Thani.

In the same month, the death of Umm al-Banin, Fatimah Bint Huzam Al- Kulabiyah R.A. took place.

Jamad al-Thani also consists of the birth event and the passing of Fatimah Bint Muhammad, the youngest daughter of Prophet Mohammad S.A.W.W. and Hazrat Khadija R.A.

Death of the first Caliph of Islam Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique R.A. after Mohammad S.A.W.W. is another important event of this month.

In the same way death of Harun al-Rashid, fifth Abbasid Caliph, death of Umm al-Banin (mother of Abbas ibn Ali) also came into occurrence in the same month.

Also, this month indicates the ending of the summer season which was started in the previous month.

The month is warm, therefore, people use different types of modes to keep themselves cool during this month.

This article is intended to share not only the importance of Jamad al-Thani, but also shares with you a list of wishes and messages that you can send to your loved ones, wishing them luck and happiness.

With that being said, let’s look into Jamad-al-Thani Mubarak wishes and messages that you can make use of.

List of Jamad al-Thani Mubarak Wishes or Messages:

Following are some of the best Jamad al-Thani Mubarak wishes and messages for 2025 that you can modify and then send to your loved ones.

1. Jamad al-Thani Mubarak to you and your family. May the joy of this holy month change your spirit with grace and excitement. May Allah accept all of your prayers and be pleased with you for the rest of your life.

2. May Allah’s blessings light your way, strengthen your faith, and bring joy to your heart as you serve today, tomorrow, and always. Have a blessed Jamad al-Thani Mubarak!

3. You are a wonderful person I have ever seen. On this day, I am sending you my warmest heart filled greetings and wish you and your family the best that this day can offer. Happy Jamad al-Thani Mubarak you!

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4. May this Jamad ‘al-Thani be just the beginning of a year filled with happy memories, wonderful moments, and shining dreams for you. Happy Jamad al-Thani Mubarak!

5. Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for being there for me all the time. Thank you for being such a friend of mine. Happy Jamad al-Thani Mubarak!

6. May this Jamad al-Thani be so much better than the last one for you. I wish you all the luck, prosperity, and good health. Happy Jamad al-Thani Mubarak!

8. As the clock ticks on the first day of the new month of Jamad al-Thani, may you enjoy every moment of it.

9. May the coming month surprise you with the happiness of smiles, the feeling of love, and everything in between. I hope you will find plenty of sweet memories to cherish forever. Happy Jamad al-Thani Mubarak.

10. A wish for you on this blessed occasion: whatever you ask may you receive, whatever you seek may you find, and whatever you wish may it be fulfilled. Have a happy Jamad al-Thani Mubarak!

11. I married you because I love you so I do not have a single regret in my life right now. You keep proving to me that I made the right choice and I am ever so thankful to you for all that you have done. Jamad al-Thani Mubarak you!

12. May Allah give us the strength and courage to fulfill all the Islamic principles. Have a blessed Jamad al-Thani Mubarak!

13- Always pray to have: eyes that see the best, a mind that forgets the bad, a heart that forgives the worst, and a soul that never loses faith. Jamad al-Thani Mubarak to you and your family!

14. “O Lord, forgive me, have mercy on me, pardon me, and do me good. Pass of (my sins) which you know. Certainly, you know what we do not know.” Jamad al-Thani Mubarak!

15. Prayer changes everything. Worry changes nothing. So, instead of worrying about what you can do, just pray and think of what GOD can do for you. Have a blessed Jamad al-Thani Mubarak!

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16. Oh God, when I lose hope because my plans have come to nothing, make me remember that your plans are always greater than my disappointments. Have a blessed and peaceful Jamad al-Thani Mubarak to you and your family!

17. When you pray for others, Allah listens to you and blesses them. When you are happy and feel blessed, remember that someone has prayed for you. Have blessed and safe Jamad al-Thani Mubarak!

18. ALLAH, help me to remember you, to be grateful to you, and to worship you in an excellent manner. Jamad al-Thani Mubarak!

19. Being a Muslim is more than just going to the mosque. Allah wants your attention not just your attendance. Have a blessed and joyful Jamad al-Thani Mubarak!

These are all of the best Jamad al-Thani Mubarak wishes or messages that you can make use of right away.

Feel free to let us know if you wish to add your own Jamad al-Thani Mubarak wish or message to this list.